St. Johns County Lot 2
PROPERY ADDRESS 3008 2nd Street, St. Augustine, FL 32084
CITY St. Augustine (Vilano Beach)
COUNTY St. Johns
TAX DISTRICT City of St. Augustine
PARCEL ID: A Portion of 1469800000
ACRES Approximately 0.22 +/-
FUTURE LAND USE Residential - C
UTILITIES North Beach Utilities
St. Augustine, Florida (Vilano Beach) Property Appraiser Map
St. Augustine, Florida (Vilano Beach) Location Map
St. Augustine, Florida (Vilano Beach) Aerial Image
St. Augustine, Florida (Vilano Beach) Plat Map
The subject property is a single residential lot totaling approximately 0.22+/- acres. The site is nestled within the Vilano Beach Community of St. Augustine, Florida in St. Johns County with the Tolomato River to the west and Atlantic Ocean to the east. Positioned along Sherwood Avenue, the site has approximately 77 feet of frontage and approximately 122 feet depth along 2nd Street and is a prime site for development.
The property is to be sold via Invitation to Bid "as is", "where is". Bids will be accepted until 12:00 NOON EST, THURSDAY December 10, 2015. Any bids received after that time will be returned to the BIDDER unopened. The Department of Environmental Protection is not responsible for bids mailed but not arriving by 12:00 NOON EST, THURSDAY December 10, 2015. All bids received by the bid submission deadline will be publicly opened at 1:00 PM EST, THURSDAY, December 10, 2015.
The acreage used in the brochure/website is estimated and not based on a survey. The purchase price of a surplus property will not be reduced regardless of any difference between the estimated acreage and the acreage determined by a survey or other means. This property is being sold "as-is, where-is." It is the bidder's responsibility to visit and/or verify all conditions of this property and all conditions and requirements of the bid conditions prior to placing a bid. A BIDDER will not be relieved of any liabilities and/or obligations resulting from lack of knowledge of conditions or requirements.
All properties are sold “As is” “Where is”. BIDDERS/OFFERORS are cautioned to carefully examine the invitation, the property being offered for sale, and to be thoroughly informed regarding any and all conditions and requirements of the invitation. A BIDDER/OFFEROR will not be relieved of any liabilities and/or obligations resulting from lack of knowledge of conditions or requirements.
The acreage used in this brochure/website is estimated and not based on a survey. The purchase price of a surplus property will not be reduced regardless of any difference between the estimated acreage and the acreage determined by a survey or other means.
The "Bid/Offer Form" shall be completed in its entirety and submitted in accordance with the procedures set forth in this the invitation. Otherwise, the bid/offer will be rejected. The bid/offer for the property shall be entered on the Bid/Offer Form. Complete the blanks only. Any changes to the bid/offer whether additions or deletions will cause the bid/offer to become ineligible for consideration. NO OTHER TYPE OF "BID/OFFER FORM" OR "PROPOSAL SHEET" WILL BE ACCEPTED AS A VALID RESPONSE TO THE BID/OFFER INVITATION.
Any award made will be to the highest responsive BIDDER/OFFEROR, provided it is in the TRUSTEES' interest to accept the bid/offer. The TRUSTEES or the DEPARTMENT, as staff to the TRUSTEES, reserve the right to reject any or all bids/offers. The TRUSTEES or the DEPARTMENT further reserve the right to waive any minor irregularities in any bid/offer received.